Welcome back to the new school year - and your final year at St George’s! We hope you had a lovely summer holiday and are ready to get on with some fantastic learning this term!
This term we will be having PE with the Coach on a Wednesday and our other PE day will be a Friday so please come in your PE kits every Wednesday and Friday. Hopefully we will be able to be outside most weeks so please make sure you have trainers on those days.
In English, we will be writing giraffe poems, character descriptions and discussion texts. In our reading, we will look at lots of different kinds of texts and develop our comprehension skills. Our topics in maths are place value and all four operations. Science will be learning about light, and our RE topic is Life Journey: Hinduism, where we will be comparing Hindu and Jewish beliefs about belonging to a community. In addition to this, we will be writing a range of prayers that we can share in our Collective Worship.
In history, we will be learning more about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings and the struggle for England, building on what we learned about last year in year 5. Our learning in history will link well with our very exciting residential to York! We will leave school on Wednesday 9th October and return on Friday 11th October. We will be having a parents meeting soon to go through the details, fill in medical forms and answer any questions. Kit lists will be sent home and available in the office soon.
Even at the start of Year 6, we can’t ignore the transition to secondary school at the end of the year! Secondary school applications need to be made by October 31st. If you have any questions about this, or need any help completing application forms, please come and talk to me or contact the school office.
All our children have the opportunity to read regularly in school and to bring books home to enjoy. Please ask your child what they are reading and encourage them to read regularly at home - this will also help them in their SATs as well as when they move onto secondary school.
Just a reminder that we expect everyone to wear school uniform - black trousers, joggers or leggings, red polo shirt and navy sweatshirt - or PE kit (House colour t-shirt, black shorts, leggings or joggers and school PE sweatshirt) on their PE days, as well as plimsolls for indoor wear. Wearing plimsolls inside means that we can use our lovely school field and Basecamp throughout most of the year, so please ensure that your child has a pair.
Now that the children are in Year 6, there are lots of opportunities for taking on greater responsibilities in school, such as being buddies to the new Reception children and being House Captains, and also lots of rewards, such as sitting on the chairs in assembly! However, with these rewards and responsibilities, comes the expectations that our Year 6s show themselves as role models for the younger children in school - through their appearance (smart school uniform), attitude and behaviour.
Each week, Mrs Briston will teach the class on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Mrs Burrows will then teach the class each Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday.
As ever, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to catch us at the gates after school, or call the office for an appointment.
Best wishes,
Mrs Briston, Mrs Burrows, Mrs Anderson and Mrs Lovely
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