St. George’s Statement of Aims
St. George’s provides a caring, family atmosphere in keeping with the ethos of a Christian school. All children are regarded as of equal value. We provide a balanced and broad curriculum and strive to help all children achieve their potential. We aim to create a stimulating environment underpinned by good relationships between parents, staff and children.
St. George’s Vision Statement
In conjunction with pupils, parents, staff and Governors we created the following vision statement:
At St George’s we feel safe and secure. We are like a happy caring family where everyone wears a smile. Feeling understood, listened to and being able to share our thoughts and feelings is important to us. We are proud to play, learn and work together as friends to “Reach for the Stars”.
Our school reflects the essential features within the traditions of the Anglican Church and these will contribute to the pupils’ development by broadening and deepening their spiritual experience and understanding.
Our Christian Vision
”Do your little bit of good where you are. It’s those bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Whilst the school promotes Christian values and attitudes including kindness, honesty, forgiveness, respect for others, good manners, loyalty and perseverance, we welcome children of all faiths and none. The school provides a caring family atmosphere, in keeping with the ethos of a church school. It is also part of the local community and views education as a partnership between home and school, working with parents for the good of the children. Our Christian Vision is a true reflection of the day to day work that we do together as a school community to make our world a better place.
We have six Christian Values which are woven throughout our curriculum, our ethos and our religious education. These are hope, trust, forgiveness, friendship, respect and peace.
We aim to create a stimulating environment in which we can care for every individual helping him or her to develop as a complete person, and achieve full potential. St. George’s has a strong ethos of inclusion, welcoming all children from the community. Children with Special Educational Needs and/or disability are not discriminated against.
Children will learn through experience, interest and understanding and will come to possess a wide range of educational knowledge and skills that have been soundly taught and encouraged.
British Values
At St George’s we actively teach our children about Fundamental British Values. We do this through our whole school curriculum, including PSHE/ RHE, collective worship and what we do in the daily life in school. By promoting British Values in school, we ensure young people leave our school prepared for life in modern Britain.
The Key British Values are:
How democracy flows through St George’s:
The ability to communicate is the most important area of learning. At St George’s, we empower our children by giving them the opportunities to make choices about the things that they believe to be important. Pupil voice is regularly used by the school to seek children’s views and that of others about aspects of school life. By valuing each other’s voice we demonstrate that we support democracy and liberty.
How the Rule of Law flows through St George’s:
We involve children in the setting of the class rules; helping the children to make decisions and choices that are acceptable to our St George’s family, the local community and beyond. The link between actions and consequences are developed in children’s understanding. Children are taught about safety from a variety of visitors and this in turn helps them to feel safe in their environment.
How Individual Liberty flows through St George’s:
Children are supported in developing their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence from the very start of them joining our Little Dragons nursery. We support each child being an individual, respecting themselves and being kind to themselves. Developing independence is an important part of understanding yourself.
How Respect and Tolerance flows through St George’s:
Respect is one of our core Church School values and fundamental to the ethos of our school. Staff wear rainbow lanyards and the rainbow is everywhere in our school as a symbol that all are welcome in our St George’s family. We live in a multi- faith community where each person is respected and valued equally without regard to ability, gender, faith, heritage or race. Cultural appreciation and the development of cultural capital are embedded in our curriculum intent. Prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour is openly challenged and there is an ethos in St George’s that models, upholds and celebrates kindness, empathy and an understanding for other’s point of view.
Safeguarding statement
The Safeguarding policy applies to all adults, including volunteers, working in or on behalf of the school.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all professionals should make sure their approach is child-centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.
Safeguarding includes the establishment and implementation of procedures to protect children from deliberate harm, however, safeguarding also encompasses all aspects of pupils' health, safety and well-being.
St George’s Primary School is committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all children in school and all our staff, governors and volunteers have Safeguarding training.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Katie Barry (Headteacher) and the person who deputises in her absence is: Holly Ruddlesdin (Deputy Headteacher)
The Safeguarding Governor is: Baptiste Velan.
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