School Uniform

School Uniform

The children wear a full uniform consisting of red polo shirt and navy sweatshirt or cardigan

- all with our child-designed logo embroidered on.  Navy fleece jackets and red P.E. hoodies

are also available.


All the above items can be purchased from Uniform Direct, 9 Market Street, Gainsborough DN21 2BL or via


Grey trousers and skirts are worn with black flat school shoes.


Black plimsolls are worn indoors – these are available from the school office, as too are

P.E. T-shirts in House colours.  



PE Kit


PE T-shirt in House colours

Black PE shorts / jogging trousers

Red school PE hoodie

Black trainers



Please label all items of clothing including P.E. kit with your child’s name.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding uniform, please do pop in and see us. Pre-loved uniform is often available for a nominal fee.




Watches may be worn. Where a child has pierced ears the wearing of a stud is permitted, but must be removed in swimming and P.E. for safety reasons. No other jewellery should be worn. Newly pierced ears can be covered in plasters for P.E. for the first few weeks– PLASTERS ARE TO BE SUPPLIED BY PARENTS. Please note that children must learn to remove their own ear-rings as staff are not allowed to do this.