Welcome to the Friends of St George's page!
The Friends of St George's team aim to provide the children with extra opportunities (which are not covered by the school's budget) by creating exciting fundraising activities.
With the help of the parents on our Friends team, we have supported school with events such as sports day, performances and class assemblies. We have organised our own Friends events including Christmas and Summer fayres, bingo evenings, film nights and other fundraising opportunities throughout the year to raise money for your children.
We have previously used the money raised to;
Can you spare a few hours a term to help raise money to help the children of our school?
We always welcome new volunteers to join our friendly team. We meet once/twice a term, after school, to plan fundraising events. All events and meetings are advertised on dragon news and we send a reminder text to all parents before each meeting. Please come along or speak to myself or Mrs Davidson for more details.
This year we are busy coming up with new and exciting events for you to enjoy. We regularly include our Friends team updates on Dragon news (the school newsletter) and on our own Friends of St George's Facebook group.
On behalf of the Friends of St George’s team, we would like to thank you for supporting our fundraising events and we look forward to seeing you at our events in the future!
Mrs Green
Friends (Chairperson)
Thank you for your support at the Chocolate Bingo event this term. It was an incredible turn out and we raised a HUGE £160!
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