Christian Values

"Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world" - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


St George’s Christian Values


Trust, Peace, Respect, Forgiveness, Friendship, Hope


As a staff we have chosen these values to concentrate on throughout the school year.

Autumn1 – Trust

Autumn 2 – Peace

Spring 1 – Respect

Spring 2 – Forgiveness

Summer 1 – Friendship

Summer 2 – Hope


We have planned these to include key Christian festivals and have shared Bible stories within these areas so each class will have the opportunity to discuss a number of stories as well as the areas of learning covered in their Religious Education lessons.


Collective Worship happens daily where children and staff come together to share a Bible story, sing a hymn and have some time for prayer. We will either say our School Prayer, The Lord’s Prayer, The Grace or encourage children to say their own prayers. Children have the opportunity to create these in class, through work in lessons and during their own reflection time in the areas which have been created throughout school.


Where possible we link our teaching of the Christian Values through our RE and PSHCE lessons to help children understand the meaning and read a variety of stories to help put this into context for them as they grow and develop into good Christians. We reflect on local, regional and international events such as stories within the news with a Christian outlook and link these to our School Christian Values.



Christian Values in Pictures