Year 5 - Tigers

Autumn Term 2024

Welcome to a new school year! I am are very excited to teach Tigers Class and get started with lots of exciting learning this term! 


Our topic this term is ‘Britain at War' and we will be focusing on Lincolnshire and London in World War 2. We have some exciting learning planned including learning about how the war started, the allies and axis powers around the world, the Blitz, rationing, evacuation, RAF bases in our local area and local heroes to Gainsborough- the 'Dam Busters'. We will learn about spitfire planes and hopefully visit some real WW2 planes yes Keeping with our topic, we will be looking at war poetry in Guided Reading, learning some WW2 songs in Music (alongside our Rock music Charanga unit) and learning about refugees in PSHE. Our class reading book this term 'Letters from the Lighthouse' which also links to our topic as it is an exciting story set in World War 2. 


In English, we will be writing Tiger poems, then writing portal stories and setting descriptions of the new and interesting places our portals take us. In Maths, following the White Rose Maths curriculum, we will complete the Place Value unit followed by the four operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 


Our PE sessions are Mondays and Wednesdays. We will be learning Tag Rugby with a visiting coach on Wednesdays (which will be based outdoors, weather permitting) and following this up in the Monday sessions. Remember to come dressed in your PE kits on these days and don’t forget your trainers!


Our topic in PSHE/RHE is Healthy and Happy Friendships, learning about how we can develop positive friendships and cope with changes in emotions as we grow and go through significant life events. In Computing, we will continue to develop our understanding of computer networks and how we use computers to collaborate and communicate. Our RE topic is 'Being Human' where will will learn about Hinduism and how Hindu people live their lives. 


In Science, we are learning about the properties of materials and how different scientific processes can be used to separate them. We will learn the difference between a mixture and a solution and will plan our own fair tests and investigations.


In Art, we will be studying the artist Mary Cassatt and using her portraits as an inspiration for for our own portrait drawings. We will be learning sketching skills and using lots of different art media including charcoal, pastels and oil pastels. 


We have so many exciting learning opportunities planned including our amazing residential trip to York this term! We will leave school on Wednesday 9th October and return on Friday 11th October. We will be having a parents meeting soon to go through the details, fill in medical forms and answer any questions.  Kit lists will be sent home and available in the office soon.  Please, if you have not paid the full amount, this needs to be paid by Friday 27th September.  


As a whole school, we are having a big focus on reading. We are very excited to share our library with everyone, and we hope that this helps us to continue to inspire a love of reading in our children. We read regularly in school and would love to see more children reading at home. At the moment I am reading 'Impossible Creatures' by Katherine Rundell and I am really enjoying it! I am looking forward to hearing about what everyone's favourite books.  Please ask your child what they are reading and encourage them to read regularly at home. 


I can't wait to start this exciting school year with you! If you have any questions or need to speak to us, please catch us at the end of the school day or make an appointment by phoning the school office.


Mrs Vaux, Miss McKenna, Mrs McBroom and Mrs Anderson smiley