Spring Term 2025
Welcome back Dolphins. I hope you had a lovely Christmas break and are ready to get stuck in with some new learning!
Please can children wear normal school uniform to school unless it is your PE day (Monday and Thursday for Dolphins) where you will wear your PE kit with t-shirts in your house colours. Don't forget you will need a pair of plimsolls to change into inside - remember this means that we can use our field and Basecamp right into winter months as we can change out of muddy shoes when playtime and lunchtime is over.
In English, we will be beginning with some poetry and then moving on to writing our very own portal stories.
In Maths, we continue to follow the White Rose Scheme. This term, we will be continuing to look at Multiplication and Division as well as Length and Perimeter and some Fractions.
In history, we will be learning about the time period of Ancient Greece, focusing on their achievement and developments. We will work on developing our understanding of chronological knowledge, whilst developing our vocabulary and deepening our understanding of that period.
The children will continue with their computing lessons this term, looking at stop-frame animation and creating their own piece of work to evaluate.
This half term in Science, our topic is Animals including Humans. We will begin by looking at the eatwell plate and thinking about the nutrients in different foods. We will then move on to the different types of skeletons, bones and muscles.
This term, in RE, we will be learning about God with a focus on Islam. We will continue to discuss philosophical questions based on our own beliefs and our understanding of others.
Our collective worships will continue to develop the children's spirituality and knowledge of the Christian faith.
In PSHE/RHE we will be learning about our rights and responsibilities living in a diverse and inclusive community and as British citizens. There will be a focus on the topic of Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds. Italy will be the focus for Cultural Day where the children will have the chance to explore a range of activities and tasks to support their learning.
Our focus in Art this term is the international artist Augusta Savage, famous for her sculptures. The children will have the opportunity to create their own sculptures and clay pots.
In music, the Children will continue to develop and using the correct musical vocabulary as well as comparing the similarities and differences across musical genres.
For homework this term, we would like the children to focus on reading fluency and reading for pleasure. It is important that the children develop a love of reading and that comes with practice. If you are lucky enough to have Buddy for the night then please read him a story and write about what you did in his diary as we can then share it with the class.
Please can you support your children by listening to them read and share in conversations about reading in your homes. Children have access to Spelling Shed, and Times Table Rock Starts (TTRS) and they will need to complete challenges set. Children have been provided with copies of their logins.
Finally, as ever, if you have any questions, please do get in touch, either at the school gate at the end of the day or through the office.
We have a fantastic term ahead!
Mrs Turner, Mrs Waterfield and Mrs Collins
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