Year 3 - Dolphins

Welcome to Year 3 Dolphins!

In English this Autumn term we will we will be writing our own Dolphin poems and reading the book ‘The Tear Thief’. We will plan and write our own stories based around the book we have read and then invent our own ‘Classroom Thief’ story. Our non-fiction writing is all about planning and writing instructions for trapping these thieves!


Following the White Rose maths curriculum, we will be learning about place value of numbers to 1000, addition and subtraction. Alongside this we will continue to practise our times tables through Times Table Rock stars (TTRS) and fun quizzes in the class.


We are focussing on rocks and soils in Science for the first half term and light in the second half term.  In these lessons we will learn new vocabulary and developing our scientific skills through simple experiments. We will be continuing with Katie in our ‘Let’s Grow’ sessions in the school allotment and doing our little bit of good through planting our foods for the school kitchen to use.


In RE, we will be learning about Hinduism. We will learn about how Hindus show their beliefs, learn about their Gods and  practices of their religion.

Our collective worships will continue to develop the children's spirituality and knowledge of the Christian faith.


The more that you read, the more things you will know! I love to read and I know all of you enjoy it too. Your school reading books will be changed on a Friday this term, but please make sure your book bags are in school every day. There will be a list of your school log-ins- so you can use the TTRS app and Spelling Shed app at home.


In PSHE/RHE we will be learning about our rights and responsibilities living in a diverse and inclusive community and as British citizens. There will be a focus on our similarities and differences, whilst teaching care and empathy.  India will be the focus for Cultural Day where the children will have the chance to explore a range of activities and tasks to support their learning.


History will be all about the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Researching to find out what they ate, how they lived and sheltered and what changed as the time moved on and it became the Iron Age. Geography is the second half term and we are focussing on rivers and settlements. The water cycle plays an important part in this learning so we will plan an experiment to show how this works.    

Our PE days will be Mondays and Thursdays this term so please come to school in your PE kits on those days. We will be learning Tri-golf this term and then move on to music next half term.

In music, the Children will be learning about pulse using the song Let Your Spirit Fly by Joanna Mangona, developing and using the correct musical vocabulary as well as comparing the similarities and differences across musical genres.


If you have any questions or need to speak to us, please catch us at the end of the school day or make an appointment by phoning the school office.


Mrs Turner, Miss Dickinson, Mrs Beaumont.smiley