Welcome back and Happy New Year Otters!
We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break and are ready enjoy some new learning! This term we welcome Mrs Beaumont, who will be joining the Otters Team for the rest of the year.
This term, our PE days are Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure that PE kits are worn on those days with a t-shirt in their house colours. Our learning this term is about floor gymnastic skills. Now that the weather is getting muddy and wet, don’t forget you will need a pair of plimsols to change into in school. This will help keep our classroom clean, tidy and safe!
This term our topic is ‘Going Places’, this theme will run throughout our learning, whether its thinking of holiday destinations to write about or walking around our local area.
In English we will be focusing on the story Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett. We then be learning about how to use adjectives effectively to create a setting description. Later in the term, we will be learning to write letters, just like Sunny, all about our adventures!
In Maths, we will continue to follow the Write Rose curriculum. We will be focusing on Place Value to 20 and Mass.
This term our Science topic is all about Animals including humans. We will be investigating what animals we might see around school and learning how to classify them. Then, we will learn about the human body and perform tests around the 5 senses.
Geography this term will be focusing on the local area. We will look at key landmarks around the area and follow a map. We then learn about different jobs in the community and learn why each job is important.
On Wednesdays we have Miss Collins, in the afternoons she will be teaching us Art and Music. In Art we will be focusing on local artist Janice Kok, we will be using our new knowledge of colour and shade to help us recreate similar artworks to hers. In Music, we will be learning a new song In the Groove. During this term we will also be reviewing other genres of music including Blues, Folk and Latin. Then we will be practicing singing and playing the music on glockenspiels.
In RE, we will be thinking about who made the world and everything in it. We will be learning about Muslims beliefs, the importance of Qu’ran and listening to stories. We continue to discuss and reflect about our beliefs and values during collective worship.
Our book change will be on a Friday, please ensure that you record in your child’s reading record whenever they read at home, this will help them achieve their reading rewards!
If you have any questions or would like to speak to us, please catch us in the gate in the morning or at the end of the day or make an appointment via the office.
Mrs Stanton, Mrs Beaumont, Miss Marshall
Welcome Otters!
I hope you all had a great summer.
In Autumn 1 we have PE on Wednesday and Friday, during which we will be focusing on Multi Skills, so please make sure that your children are in full PE kits with trainers.
In English we are looking at Poetry and delving into the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff, where we will learn and write about how to catch a troll!!!
In Maths we will follow the White Rose Maths scheme and begin the year with Place Value. We will also lots of opportunity to work practically by sorting, grouping objects and practicing some accurate counting!
This term in Geography our topic is Our School. At first, we will explore the local area where we live and exploring maps to see what other landmarks are in our area.
Our RE topic is Christianity. We will be learning about Christian beliefs and how the bible is a special book that helps us learn about God. We will learn that the Bible is split into the Old Testament and the New Testament and learn some stories from each.
In Science we will be identifying and investigating everyday materials. We will also be observing the season of Autumn explore the changes that happen in between Summer and Autumn.
In PSHE we will be focusing on what makes a happy and healthy relationship and what it means to be a good friend.
On Wednesday’s we have Miss Collins in the morning and Mrs Ruddlesdin in the afternoon where in Music we will be focusing on Hip Hop and learning the song Hey You! By Joanna Mangona.
If you have any questions, please get in touch at the school gate or through the office.
We look forward to welcoming you all back. Here’s to a great year!
Mrs Stanton, Miss Page and Miss Marshall.
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