“Our curriculum promotes social mobility;
we give our children the roots to grow and the wings to fly.”
Do your little bit of good where you are. It's those bits of good put
together that overwhelm the world.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Personal, Social , Health and Economic Education at St. George’s
At St. George’s, we believe that Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) is an integral part of a child’s education. PSHE is a subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. It helps pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepared for life and work in modern Britain and will help them achieve their academic potential. At St George’s we help the pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. From making responsible decisions about drugs to succeeding in their first job, PSHE taught at St George’s helps our pupils to manage many of the most critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face as they grow up. Our curriculum for PSHE meets statutory obligations from the Education Act 2008. We have a named governor for PSHE and this governor also leads on RHE and Mental Health as we can see the close links between the 3 areas.
By means of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education we aim to teach pupils through 3 core themes:
PSHE is lifelong learning about healthy lifestyles, growing and changing, keeping safe, feelings and emotions, valuing difference, healthy relationships, rights and responsibilities, the environment and managing money. It involves acquiring information, developing skills and forming positive beliefs, values and attitudes. This fits in with our school drivers, the first being Healthy Body, Healthy Mind where the children learn about their bodies, being safe and looking after themselves. Reach for the Stars celebrates their skills, special people in their lives and looking at people that help us and the job roles they may have. The Natural World also links with our forest areas and Basecamp and how the children have to work together to use the areas effectively. The Allotment not only links with the Natural World but also promotes the area of Healthy body, Healthy mind. Children work in the allotment and see the transfer of learning about produce, growing it and then eating it as part of our school dinner menu.
PSHE has a key part to play in the personal, social, moral and spiritual development of young people. It begins informally in the home with parents and carers long before any formal education takes place at school. Young people’s entitlement to PSHE is enshrined in the terms of the Education Act (1996). Cultural days help to support the learning of PSHE and develop it further. Each term when we learn about a new country children look at the differences from our own country and celebrate the diversity seen through food, art, culture, language and celebrations. Each term we have a number of incentives that children can work towards and help them to take responsibility for certain areas of everyday life. This can include our Red Box assembly every half term where children can enter a prize draw for good attendance or tea with teachers every term. This will be an area that children need to work towards and each teacher gets to pick a child to take them to tea.
Each year the children in Key Stage 2 take part in the London Competition. They have the opportunity to design a London project of their choosing and if chosen can win a trip to London for the day. This supports many of the areas seen in PSHE through aspirations and celebrating a child’s individual strength. It encourages support from home and if a child is chosen to go they get to experience a whole day of excitement visiting several famous landmarks.
During the Summer term we put transition sessions in place for Nursery children through to Year 6 children going to secondary school. Children can become quite anxious with this change after spending a year with the same teacher. Sessions are put in place to support children with this change in school - Children spend a morning, afternoon and full day with their new teacher getting to know them and start building positive relationships. Children needing additional support are given extra check in sessions to help make the transition in September as easy as possible. We have close relationships with the local secondary school to ensure children are ready to take that next step in their learning journey. Extra sessions are often arranged for vulnerable children and staff members will go with a group of children to the feeder secondary to spend some time in the new setting and pass on information about the pupils.
Our school dog Buddy is a great addition to our St George's family and in the future he will be trained as a therapy dog. Buddy is helping to support the children with their emotional needs as well as teach them the responsibilities of how to look after him and care for him. Children show a great deal of love and excitement having Buddy to visit and he is responding well to this, he is currently in school 3 days a week. He has listened to children read, gone for walks and worked in the classroom – all of these activities help to support the children and teach them about relationships within our school family.
PSHE is taught both within other curriculum subjects, and also as a discrete subject. Biological aspects are taught within the science curriculum, and other aspects are included in religious education (RE). Across all Key Stages, pupils will be supported with developing the following skills:
· Communication, including how to manage changing relationships and emotions
· Recognising and assessing potential risks
· Assertiveness
· Seeking help and support when required
· Informed decision making
· Self-respect and empathy for others
· Recognising and maximising a healthy lifestyle, including money matters
· Managing conflict
· Rights and responsibilities
• Discussion and group work. PSHE discussions are conducted in a sensitive, confidential manner. However, if a pupil discloses something that is cause for concern, the teacher/staff concerned will deal with the matter in line with the safeguarding policies of the school.
• The governing body has approved the RHE and PSHE policy and hold the Headteacher to account for its implementation. The Headteacher is responsible for ensuring that PSHE is taught consistently across the school.
Staff are responsible for:
• Delivering PSHE in a sensitive way
• Modelling positive attitudes to PSHE
• Monitoring progress
• Responding to the needs of individuals
• Pupils are expected to engage fully in PSHE and when discussing issues related to PSHE, treat others with respect and sensitivity.
We will assess what the children have learned where it is possible to quantify this, but the real impact is qualitative: changes in attitude, awareness and aspirations. It is a basis for learning about the world in which we live and the people with whom we live, and successfully developing as valuable citizens of that world.
Data is taken at 3 points of the year December, March and July to monitor which children are on track and those falling below or exceeding in this area. The subject leader then looks for ways to support key classes and children whether it be through discussions, looking for extra expertise or finding additional resources. Pupil interviews are used by the subject leader to gain an insight from the children and the understanding they have gained from their PSHE lessons.
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