British Values

At St George’s we actively teach our children about Fundamental British Values. We do this through our whole school curriculum, including PSHE/ RHE, collective worship and what we do in the daily life in school. By promoting British Values in school, we ensure young people leave our school prepared for life in modern Britain.

The Key British Values are:

  • Democracy
  • The Rule of Law
  • Respect and Tolerance
  • Individual Liberty

How democracy flows through St George’s:

The ability to communicate is the most important area of learning. At St George’s, we empower our children by giving them the opportunities to make choices about the things that they believe to be important. Pupil voice is regularly used by the school to seek children’s views and that of others about aspects of school life. By valuing each other’s voice we demonstrate that we support democracy and liberty.

  • Presenting to peers why they should be considered for representing the class as a school council member or member of the food council
  • Voting for school council members and respecting the decision of the majority
  • Chattertime
  • As a class identifying the rewards for filling stamp cards
  • Listening patiently and respectfully while others are talking
  • Pupil questionnaire to gain views
  • School council make decisions, based on their class’ views


How the Rule of Law flows through St George’s:

We involve children in the setting of the class rules; helping the children to make decisions and choices that are acceptable to our St George’s family, the local community and beyond. The link between actions and consequences are developed in children’s understanding. Children are taught about safety from a variety of visitors and this in turn helps them to feel safe in their environment.

  • Agree the consequence pyramid at the start of each school year and review throughout the year
  • Creating class rules
  • Discussing how our school rules make what we do fair
  • Thinking and talking about staying safe eg: in water when swimming, bonfire night and road safety
  • Replicating school rules into other areas, residential visits and clubs
  • Following rules in games
  • Knowing consequences, positive and negative come with the choices we make
  • Online Safety knowledge


How Individual Liberty flows through St George’s:

Children are supported in developing their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence from the very start of them joining our Little Dragons nursery. We support each child being an individual, respecting themselves and being kind to themselves. Developing independence is an important part of understanding yourself.

  • The use of our school values to ensure that every child recognises how we can be a useful member of society.
  • Work linked to our school vision “Do your little bit of good” to show how we can make a difference in the world through our choices
  • Whole school clear Behaviour and Relationships Policy fairly applied
  • Roles of responsibility in class and whole school
  • Positive links with the community and building the best community possible for Park Springs and Gainsborough
  • Zero tolerance of bullying; discriminatory language is challenged as are stereotypes


How Respect and Tolerance flows through St George’s:

Respect is one of our core Church School values and fundamental to the ethos of our school. Staff wear rainbow lanyards and the rainbow is everywhere in our school as a symbol that all are welcome in our St George’s family. We live in a multi- faith community where each person is respected and valued equally without regard to ability, gender, faith, heritage or race. Cultural appreciation and the development of cultural capital are embedded in our curriculum intent. Prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour is openly challenged and there is an ethos in St George’s that models, upholds and celebrates kindness, empathy and an understanding for other’s point of view.

  • Understanding through finding out about different religions, celebrations and festivals
  • Understanding diversity and respect of cultures, race, gender and beliefs of others
  • Children understanding when behaviour towards others is not acceptable
  • Understanding the vocabulary around discrimination and the hurt this can cause
  • Collective worship in the local community religious buildings
  • Cultural Days every term where children can explore and celebrate the differences and recognise the similarities between themselves and children in different countries
  • Exploring the similarities and differences between ourselves and others through PSHE/RHE